This image wasn’t inspired by any artist i just wanted to give the photo a ‘cartoony’ feel, to make it i first outlined the image then applied 2 filters from the filter gallery. The original photo without the edits was inspired by Edward Burtynsky.

This photo was inspired by Edward Burtynsky and is of a urban landscape that also shows an industrial theme.

This image was inspired by Mandy Barker and the way she scatters many pollution related items around a black background, to make this image i only used 6 bottle caps and took pictures of them in different positions, the really small bottle caps are actually just dots from the brush tool.

For this image i wanted to use a layer mask to give the illusion of the image being painted on.

This image was also inspired by Edward Burtynsky, but has a more abstract approach.

This image was inspired by Mandy Barker and the way she lays out plastics on a black background, i came up with the concept of putting the caps in the shape of a bottle because i thought it would relate to Anthropocene.
Image Comparison

Seeing my image side by side with Mandy Barkers I can see that I didn’t put a blue mist around the image and the bottle caps aren’t as much in focus.
The Anthropocene project helped me explore different parts of photography that I never thought about touching, the project improved my editing skills because it let me edit different photos that to what I’m used to. I found that my strengths lie in this project is in the experimentation and manipulating an image, however i found going out to take the photos was difficult as it was a random chance if i was gonna get decent weather. I took the bottle cap images as an almost fall-back plan if I couldn’t go out to take photos. I thought I could improve by taking photos in different locations.
Furthermore I thought I could also improve by taking photos with a higher resolution and photos that are in focus but to accomplish that I would need to acquire a camera and a tripod so I would be able to take steady and still landscape photos.
I enjoyed this project as it let me expand on my photoshop abilities, whilst experimenting with my edits i found areas in editing that I was not so confident in so this project helped me improve in the areas I was lacking.