I doubled the width of the canvas.
I filled the empty side in with red.
I selected the red side with the magic wand tool and pressed on inverse select.
I duplicated the image and flipped it horizontally, I filled the empty with red so I could see if there where any gaps between images.
I repeated the 1st and 2nd step but with the height.
I duplicated the image and flipped it 90 degrees.
I changed the blending mode of the second image until if found one that looked good.
I duplicated the image and change the opacity and offsetting it a bit.
I repeated this a second time.
I used the pen tool and went around the image.
I then clicked stroke path with a black brush.
I repeated this process until I couldn’t outline anymore.
I applied a filter to reduce the realness of the image.
I then applied a second filter to give a cartoony look.
I applied a layer mask to the image.
I then made a new layer, filled it in with white and put it bellow the image.
I filled the layer mask in with black to make the image disappear.
Then i found a brush that I liked.
with the layer mask selected i painted, with white selected, around the image.
I used a different brush to give me this result.
I used the ellipse marquee tool to make a selection of a circle
I then rotated the selected part 180 degrees
For this image i got a image of a bottle outlined it with the pen tool and clicked stroke path
I then selected the outline and applied a layer mask and changed the background to black
I then filled the outline with caps