For my idea, I am going to combine new topography with Anthropocene. On Sunday, I am planning to go around the island taking new topographic style photos of man-made structures and I will collect the rubbish around it. I am planning to go to St. Ouens bay, Town.
My Ideas are to take some far back photos of buildings but also some close-ups of things such as the metal showers at the beach and metal fences.
Following taking the photos, I am going to edit them in Lightroom and put them into monochrome. Next, I have 2 ideas of what I could do with the rubbish:
Idea 1: I could take photos of the rubbish I have collected and arrange it in the style of Mandy Barker and take photos of it.

The contrast of the vibrant rubbish to the monochrome new topographic photos could look great.
Idea 2: I could, mount the new topographic photography and below it, possibly on paper or drift wood or something I can arrange and put the rubbish below the photo to give the piece a 3D element.
Photoshoot Plan

Contact Sheet: Town

Personally, I am not sure these photos are right for my final piece exam. Although it did help me decide and organise my final piece to help me see what I was looking for.
Contact Sheet: El Tico

I really like how this photoshoot has turned out and it will be perfect for my Anthropocene edits.
Refining Ideas
I really like the ideas of doing a compilation of several images onto an A3 sheet. I will use the man made structures and rubbish and edit them. Then I will cut them into circles to make a few A3 sheets.
My edits on light room

My editing process

The final result

Comparison to Angie McMonigal

Evaluation and Critique
The lighting I used was natural as my photos were taken outside. I have used monochrome colours to really accentuate the contrast between the black and white. The images have a wide depth of field as most of the image is in focus and a fast shutter speed. The circular shape creates the idea of the idea of the damage humans have done and how the infinitive shape creates how long it would take to clear up and fix.
To conclude , I really like how my final edits have turned out. It gives the Anthropocene ambience which I was trying to do. The dull colours support this. I made sure to take my photos at around 3 o’clock when the sun started to go down and the dense clouds engulfed the sun, which symbolise burden and obstacle; the obstacle being climate change and littering.
Next time, I would like to use a variety of locations to take my images as a lot of these are very simple and more new topography style rather than Anthropocene. I would like to focus more on objects with interesting textures such as the surfboards and wheels rather than the buildings. I would photograph things such as ropes and buoys. Also I would have liked to have made a bigger image on A2 paper, however that is not currently available.

Virtual Gallery

This is a gif I made on ezgif.