What I am interested in photographing are a series of doors. This is because this also links very well to the topic of “home” and I find it it interesting how an ordinary subject, like a door is used regularly everyday and is so good at it’s function however not many will look at one for more then a couple seconds to think much more about it, like it’s beauty, the way it was made, by who it was made, how old it is and many more questions that would come after these, maybe how many people massed through this door, how many times it was painted over , or haw many people lived in the house of that door.

with this idea I created a mind map of how to photograph the subject and how I may want the layout of a typology to look like.

Who-this photoshoot shouldn’t include any people in it, since I will be photo shooting in a busy area, some strangers may get in the frame , but I should not use these pictures.

What- My main focus is going to be house doors, however I will look out for doors that are unique, are different and show history behind them, doors that aren’t new or modern but rather old , colourful maybe even worn out.

Where- In St. Helier Town I plan to wonder outside the main street and find estates that may have a similar pattern to the doors the houses have. some estates may even be hidden and I could be unaware about them, this is why I do not have an exact location for the photoshoot location.

When- Since the subject is quite personal as it is someone’s home I need to be aware that people are more likely to come from and out of their homes during times like early in the morning or around 4-6pm as most people start/finish work at these times. The best times to go is during the day at noon, during the week, as on weekends people are likely to be home.

How- Since the photographs I will be making are supposed to be grouped into a typology, displayed one next to the other, they should be taken at the same angle and style. I should make them as similar as I can. However because i am not going to be using a tripod, and I might stand in different distances from the door, I am awa

Why- To respond to the topic of typologies, but also to get an understanding of how a typology is made, including the challenges and advantages of the making process. This could include how to take the pictures and make them relatively similar.

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