who, what, where, when, how, why
who: I want my photos to include some people, interacting with the environment around them- showing how our impact has effected the scenery I will be photographing. However, I will also take some photos without any people to create a deserted look in them, portraying the idea of abandonment, how they have used the environment for their own gain and now left it to slowly deal with the damage.
what: I will want to photograph construction sites with people working on it, abandoned buildings, natural places with waste, and also big buildings in town (to create images inspired by Stephanie Yung).
where: I will go around St. Helier to capture the urban landscapes in our town, capturing busy areas in interesting ways. I will also go to more rural places where I can capture the impact of humans on the environment.
when: I will take most of my pictures at the weekend as that is when town will be busiest and I will be able to capture people interacting with the world around them in natural ways. I will take most of my pictures during the day however some pictures could be taken near the end of the day, capturing buildings in a different way that is not so commonly seen as normally.
how: I will use a tripod (especially when going out at night) to take the low exposure and slow shutter speed photos. I will also use techniques like exposure bracketing to create images inspired by the artist Stephanie Yung.
why: I believe all of these destinations will be a good way of presenting the Anthropocene through my work, and the impact humans have on the world.