Axel Braun
Axel Braun collects case studies on contentious infrastructure projects in order to trace humanity’s development as a geological force. His studies focus on human-altered landscapes as by-products of discourses and processes that describe the techno sphere as it brings forth the Anthropocene.
I have done research on his work and have decided it is very similar to what I would like to achieve/ recreate for this project.

To recreate this i could go to certain reservoirs around Jersey, specifically Val De Le Mar in St Ouens:

This image contrasts with urban and nature, to the left with electric towers and also man made slanted walls to the side of the river. Then to the right juxtaposing with the river and headline of trees, there is mist which creates a more urban/ dark feeling.

This image is demonstrating the style in Anthropocene i was aiming to focus on, Land erosion, I like the effect it gives off with the trees almost being under the water but you can still see them. The rocks on the right that look as if they are resembling ‘stepping stones’ it adds how there is still some sort of man made structures and that humans are always usually apart of the picture in some way.

This image interests me the most as it fits in with the topic quite well whilst also being able to photograph nature. This is something I look to include in my photoshoot.