Havre De Pas shoot

As a class we went and took photographs of Havre De Pas through to La Colette, our photographs were based off of rural landscapes and New Topography; inspired by photographers such as, John Constable and Robert Adams.

contact sheet

I flagged the images i want to work with, this isn’t many as the lighting when doing the shoot was very flat.

This image is inspired by new topography, this is shown through the banal aesthetic it gives off. This image is formal and I’ve put it in black and white to make it more sinister.

In this image, i increased the hue and saturation of the primary colour, green to add depth to my image.. Similarly, adding color is a way to bring your photo closer into reality. However, when color is too adjusted and edited you can begin to alter the feeling of reality either enhancing, narrowing, or even into surrealism.

This image is a split image. The plain wall with the seahorse in contrasts the geometrical detail of the houses on the left of the image therefore creating the illusion that it is two separate images.

This image is inspired by Lewis Baltz as his work is often of places that humans have taken over such as industrial sites.

In this image i increased the clarity and texture to make the rusting stand out more.

These are all my chosen edited images:

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