“I think if you placed me almost anywhere and gave me a camera you could return the next day to find me photographing. It helps me, more than anything I know, to find home.”
Robert Adams
In this quote Robert Adams says that photography gave him a camera he could do it for as long as he wanted without getting bored if it . I think this quotes shows that you don’t need to be good a photography as everyone has their own view of the environment around them; making photography limitless and unique for everyone.
Robert Adams was an English sculptor and designer. Whilst not widely known outside of artistic circles, he was nonetheless regarded as one of the foremost sculptors of his generation. His work first came to prominence in the mid-1970s through his book The New West and his participation in the exhibition New Topographics: Photographs of a Man-Altered Landscape in 1975.


This is one of Robert Adams’ most famous photographs he had taken. This image is taken in black and white, which shows the varying shades of greys in the image, perhaps when taking this image Adams was trying to reinforce the connotation of balance that grey signifies while also showing the negative connotation of loss and loneliness. In this image there a many rectangular shapes like the windows, doors, windows within the doors and the bricks this gives a sense of a frame in frame image further connoting the idea of the woman being isolated and trapped. Furthermore even due to all the many windows and doors shown in this house they are all shut which creates an idea that the lady is shut inside and cannot escape the house.