5 best images

Best Image and why

I like this image because of the dramatic clouds and singular tree in the centre. I believe that the low exposure adds depth to the photo and creates a contrast between the two sides. I also like the flat horizon line as well as how you are able to create meanings behind the image such as ‘the calm before the storm’.
If I were to change anything about the image, I would try to make the field at the bottom of the picture less textured and maybe smooth it out a bit as I feel like the current texture makes it look grainy.
Artist Comparison
Ansel Adam’s photo My photo
With this image I tried to somewhat style after Ansel Adams. I did this by changing my image to black and white, in order to try to match his style. I also focused in on a flower, however, I thought that a silhouette style would of better suited this photo.
In Ansel’s image he focuses on the flower and has, what seems to be, a mountain in the background. The black and white in the image also helps to bring out the tones, highlights and shadows within it. I also like the angel he chose to use as it allows us to see the whole of the flower and top of the mountain.
I really like the sky in my image as I think it highlights all the tones and vibrancy of the picture. I also like how the silhouette makes the rest of the image stand out. If I were to try this again, I would most likely try to use Ansel’s work as an inspiration more since I followed his idea but still created a very different image to his in the end.