John Constable

John Constable's English landscapes - Domus
The Sailsbury Cathedral
V&A · John Constable
The Wreck
John Constable
Wivenhoe Park
High Quality Reproductions Of John Constable paintings
The Hay Wain

John Constable, one of the most famous romanticist painters of the 18th century was born on June 11th 1776 in Suffolk. He was the son of a wealthy family. Constable was supposed to join his fathers business, however he decided to pursue art after meeting Sir George Beaumont, a British Art patron and amateur painter in 1795. He entered the Royal Academy School in March 1799. In 1802 Constable displayed his work at the Royal Academy for the first time. Constable mostly used water colour and graphic media in his studies of nature. In 1817, he began painting on a large scale to gain professional recognition. For example, this is his painting The White Horse which id 6.2 foot tall!

The White Horse

Throughout the 1820s, critics praised Constables work and he sold many paintings. He became a Royal Academician in 1929, which was said to be delayed due to his famously difficult personality. In 1836, Constable submitted his last work.

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