What is Romanticism:
Romanticism is the attitude or intellectual orientation that characterized many works of literature, painting, music, architecture, criticism, and historiography in Western civilization over a period from the late 18th to the mid-19th century.
It was started in 1757 during the Industrial Revolution, which is what Romanticism was supposed to be fighting against. The Industrial Revolution promoted the idea of Enlightenment, this was promoting the scientific progress of rationality and logical thinking. While as Romanticism more represented the idea of returning to nature through art such as poetry, paintings and later photography.

What is the Sublime:
Historically, the word “Sublime” evades the idea of easy definition and it revolves around many other things such as: “Judgement, feeling, state of mind and a kind of response to art or nature.” In other words, the Sublime is supposed to resemble the extraordinary and that if something that can “Compel and destroy”.
The Sublime was started in 1757 and it has been debated over what the word actually means since then. The original meaning made by the Sublimes founder, Edmund burke, was “an artistic effect productive of the strongest emotion the mind is capable of feeling.”.