romanticism photography-photoshoot plan

who, what, where, when, how, why

who: since this project is about romanticism landscape photography, I will want to include some people in my photos. They will be both staged and natural, as I will try to capture people going about their day as well as create staged photographs using my family.

what: I will attempt to capture a mixture of landscapes, however I want my landscapes to consist of some man-made structures to create contrast with the freedom and wildness of nature. I will also photograph some abandoned structures to compare them to the everlasting greenery around them.

where: I will take photos of a beach, such as St.Ouens beach since it is a wide space allowing me to capture a large landscape with many details. I will also go to a location with an abandoned building near a farm to create an interesting comparison between urban architecture and nature. I will also go to other locations with similar concepts.

when: I would like to photograph the beach location at sunrise to capture the different colours in the sky as well as the different people going for walks since it is a popular time to go out. I will want to photograph the abandoned structures I find during different weather, sunny to further enhance the beauty of nature and contrast with the lonely buildings and windy/ cloudy weather to amplify the already gloomy mood the building creates.

how: I will use different settings on the camera, such as a higher aperture, to capture the different colours as well as making the exposure of the photo quite low. I will also attempt to create some long exposure photographs to capture the way nature reacts to the windy weather, for example a blur being created as trees move.

why: I think this will be a good way of creating some romanticism photographs, comparing the power of nature against the insignificance and short life of humans and our architecture. The different weathers and locations will vary the concepts of the photos, showing a wide variety of landscapes.

Romanticism in the North: from Friedrich to Turner – Connections

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