I mounted my first edit on a piece of foam board, cutting it out to perfectly fit the photo. After I decided to mount it again, elevating it on another piece of foam board that also created a white trim around it. I attached the photo onto the foam board by using spray on glue and the foam board onto another foam board by using double sided tape.
For this edit, I decided to mount it on a single piece of foam board, cutting it out perfectly around the photo to keep the mount looking simple. I used spray on glue to attach my edit to the foam board.
For this edit, I measured both the card and photo, so that I could perfectly cut out a space for the edit to fit into. I then used tape to attach the photo to the frame. When cutting, i always made sure to be on the left so that a thin, white trim appeared around the photo.
For this edit, I decided to keep it simple once again and mount it on a single piece of foam board, cutting it out perfectly around the photo. I used spray on glue to attach my edit to the foam board.
Lastly, a attached my photo onto a foam board, cutting it out perfectly. I used spray on glue to put my photo on the foam board. I then created a black trim by using double sided tape to attach it to a piece of black card and then cut it to create an equal border.