Process and stages of the project:
- Learning the camera settings and changing the settings while taking still life images: shutter speed, aperture, depth of field.
- Used different lighting techniques: flash lighting, continuous lighting (infinity screen).
- Taking photos of our objects from home singly and together which we then printed off for our final outcomes
My overall Evaluation:
Overall I think this project could of been better. This is because my I’m not as happy with my images as I could be and I don’t think they show what I’m capable of. I am happy and proud with some of my images towards the later stages of the project such as the Mary Ellen Bartley images I took. Taking images of still life and single objects was new to me and I think if I were to redo any of the shoots I would have a better understanding of how to arrange the objects to make the images more appealing and interesting. Looking at my final outcomes I am happy with how the window mount came out as I have never done something like that before.