Since my first still life photo shoot, I haven’t photographed single objects but instead composition of them. Which this photo shoot i was able to focus one object at the time as well as some together.

With this photo shoot, i have used 2 different set up cameras, one was on a regular tripod, and another was set up at an above angle so that the objects could be placed underneath it, this also meant the light was pointed at the objects from the side to not create shadows from the camera.
Best images from the photo shoot:

In my opinion the above images are not perfect as they still need to go through the editing process and final touches, however for the images I have for now, I would like to focus on editing these.
While taking the photographs, the pictures on the camera kept on coming out lighter then how i could see it in real life, therefore i experimented with the cameras setting and firstly changed the shutter speed of the camera which was 0.4 sec

This was how the photo firstly turned out, which was not as dark as i wanted the image.

I have then changed the shutter speed once again, this time to 2.5 sec and the image was as light as i wanted it, however i then realised that it may look even better is there is more light as then more detail would be visible

I still wanted to keep a similar light that the camera was capturing however with a more detailed image, this is why i have change this time the ISO to 800 and as well as aperture to f6.3 and shutter speed to 1/60sec.

i kept on increasing the shutter speed and aperture to f16 and shutter speed to 1/125sec while making the ISO, 100.

This meant the image was brighter and the camera took a shorter amount of time to take the actual picture.
Single Objects Edits

As I established before which images i liked the most, i have then edited them in Lightroom, changing exposure, shadows, sharpens&texture etc. as well as adding filters and playing with the settings of them.
Single Objects Best Images

Once Edited I had a few Best images that I thought were interesting as of capturing a single objects beauty. This meant they were sharp, defined and balanced when it came to their tones, highlights and shadows.