Photomontages, rooting from Dadaism and Surrealism, are collages consisting of various photographs, typically done to create political statements, gaining popularity throughout the early 1900s during WWI and WWII. Key artists within photomontage include Raoul Haussman, Hannah Hoch, John Heartfield, and Soviet artists such as Aleksander Rodchenko and El Lissitsky.

We experimented with different methods of photomontage, through digital and physical means. We used photoshop to create different compositions using geometric shapes, selection areas and more on edited images we created on lightroom classic.

For my physical photomontage, I printed off multiple different edits of the same composition, which varied in colour palette, exposures, and shadows. I then ripped up the images and compiled the pieces together into two unique pieces comprised of what was left of each print.
While my photomontages didn’t have the conventional meaning that they tend to have, with a political message or being propaganda, my photographs have more of a sentimental value to me, as it features elements of my family’s history with sailing and the concept of the passage of time.