Camera lighting on objects

within photography, and taking picture of objects, people or specific things you want to control the lighting in, it is key to have a good setup and to understand what each area does.

for example with these two images there is a change in lighting and how it was set up. Image one was used with more lighting towards the right side of the objects, whereas the image on the left was used with less lighting, almost natural lighting. This can also be described as continuous lighting, where the main lights where turned off besides when the picture was actually taken.

in this image I used a camera setup of IOS 100, aperture F/16, with a white background and played with the lighting towards the objects.

Natural and ambient lighting

Natural lighting is described as lighting that was not set up by the photographer taking the picture mainly being from the sun or the moon, for example taking a picture outside of a rock, and depending on where the sun or moon is shining that determines the shadow of the everything within that picture including the rock. This lighting can change at any time depending on the setting of where the picture is taken, its unpredictable but can be some what controlled by the photographer using aperture, shutter, and IOS settings, and where they might be placed while taking the picture.

Five Types of Ambient Light You Should Know How to Use in Photography |  Fstoppers

ambient lighting is pretty much used anywhere, in most pictures photographers use. For example in this image there is ambient lighting from the sun, and with camera adjustments the image creates a glow from the bottom of the image, giving a more vibrant look.

Importance of lighting

lighting within photography is a very important aspect of what can create an image. It creates depth to the image making it stand out more or even giving it an aesthetic look.

Contre-Jour – Photographing Into The Light - Institute of Photography

An easy aspect of light is that photographers can manipulate where they want the shadows of an object or thing by using a mirror and/or different positioning. With different types of lighting creating different types of affects of the image. This includes things like the intensity of the lighting creates a sharper or softer shadow, or a different shades of light creates an even bigger aesthetic to the image.

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