Photography is the art of taking and processing images. The actual word “photography” means ‘drawing with light’. The definition shows how creative photography actually is, it also means that you can manipulate the image to make it look better.
The main elements of photography are shutter speed, ISO and aperture. Shutter speed determines whether or not a moving image is in focus, which also determines the quality of the image. ISO is the camera’s sensitivity to light, the lower the ISO, the less sensitive the film is to light.

David Campany talks about how impactful photography is on people. It allows people to look at fixed appearances and interpret them how they want. Special moments can be captured or just simply a moment in time that you would like the remember, which can help us notice things we maybe never have noticed before. It is simple to share the images with people around the world as photography is such a mobile thing. Even if a photographer takes a photo with a certain meaning, it can lose that meaning or perhaps other people can have their own meanings of it.
“Photographs confuse as much as fascinate, conceal as much as reveal, distract as much as compel. They are unpredictable communicators.”
I agree with this statement as everyone interprets images differently and can be completely limitless. An image can affect people in different ways. ‘Distract as much as compel’ says that people can be draw to an image for different reasons to other.