What is new objectivity:After War World I, a sharp and objective style of photography emerged in Germany called New Objectivity. New Objectivity is a veristic art style, which encompasses painting, drawing, and photography, it was a movement in German art that began in the 1920s to oppose expressionism. Its rejects self-involvement and romantic idealism. This is shown through modern photographers such as Karl Blossfeldt and Albert Renger-Patzsch. Their way of working is very interesting as they focus on photographing simple objects like plants or house items that most people would have in their home, but just because the objects they photograph are not exiting does mean their work isn’t exiting , ,they have a way of capturing beauty of any item through the camera. as they photograph these objects this causes the idealized aspect of most photographs to be removed, like they did with new objectivity back in the 1920s.
These close-ups were used to aid Karl Blossfeldt teaching in the late 19th century and early 20th century about the natural beauty of nature, something which is evident in all his photographs.