We all went outside to take photos in which we threw balls up in the air and tried to take pictures of them. The other sets of photos we took we were trying to avoid the camera and “punch” it.

These two images are the only ones that in some way worked, all the other images of the throwing part did not work, the balls had already gone out of frame or the shutter speed was not up high enough so they were blurry.
Here are some images in which one of us would try and avoid the camera and the other one would take the photo, using an increased shutter speed to make sure the images aren’t blurry.

Most of these have no blur so the shutter speed is at the correct number.
What is shutter speed?

The faster the shutter the better quality the image is as shutter speed controls how fast the shutter closes which determines how much light goes into the camera.

This image puts it simply.