Different types of Lighting
–Natural Light: this is light from outdoors- the sunlight will determine how your photos will be lit up as it isn’t something you can control.
–Artificial Light: this is light from things that use electricity or halogen gas to glow. Light rooms are typically used in photograph as the lamps are easy to control.
–Continuous Lighting: this is light that is constantly on, such as a torch. The thing you are photographing is always illuminated by the light. Natural light is continuous however studio light can also be set up as continuous.
-Strobe Lighting: this is light that creates a very short burst of light just as the photo is taken, illuminating the thing you’re photographing for a very short time. Also known as monolights, strobes have a quick recycle time and a full power output of anywhere from 100 to 1,000 watts. The only natural light that is strobe lighting is lightening, as it is a quick flash in the sky. Camera flashes are strobe lighting.
Examples of different Lighting:

This picture was taken using natural lighting. The sun wasn’t really warm that day, causing the colours to appear as quite cool. This is also an example of continuous lighting as the shell was constantly illuminated by the sunlight.

This picture was taken using artificial lighting in the studio. I placed plastic coloured sheets in front of the light to cause the light to illuminate the objects in different colours. This is also an example of continuous lighting.