Aperture is how wide the camera lens is. A very large aperture, means the photo is very bright, almost nothing is in focus and there is a very small depth of field. This is usually an F-stop of 1.4. A large aperture, means the photo is bright, little in focus and there is a very small depth of field. This is usually an F-stop of 2.8. A medium aperture, means the photos has medium light, some in focus and there is a medium depth of field. This is usually and F-stop of 5.6. A small aperture, means the photo is dark, much of the photo is in focus and there is a large depth of field. This is usually an F-stop of 11. A very small aperture, means the photo is very dark, there is almost everything in focus, and there is a very large depth of field. This is usually an F-stop of 22.
My photoshoot using different apertures
In the studio, I used the different apertures setting. This allowed different parts of the image to be in focus. I arranged some of the beach objects in different formations to give us different effects.

My edits of my aperture experiment photos