adobe lightroom classic

Adobe Lightroom Classic is what I will be using to edit my photos now and in the future. Here is what I learnt about how to use it:

After a photoshoot you can go through your pictures and use either P or X to pick and reject which photographs you want to keep and edit in Lightroom. You can see which ones I have picked by the white flags on the top left on some of my photos and which ones I have rejected by the black flag with a cross through them which I have rejected.
You can also add a star rating with the keys 0-5. This helps you with choosing the best quality photos to edit.
You can also add colours by keys 6-9. 6 being red, 7 being yellow, 8 being green, 9 being blue. This helps you sort your images into different groups, photoshoots or separate projects.
You can compare 2 images using compare view. This further helps you compare 2 images and see the similarities and differences between the 2. You can also use the magnification glass to zoom in.
You can also use the before and after filter to see how the image changes and what looks good and what doesn’t.
This is the settings to use when exporting your photos.

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