What is photography? The word Photography literally means ‘drawing with light’, which derives from the Greek photo, meaning light and graph, meaning to draw. Photography is the process of recording an image on light sensitive film or, in the case of digital photography, via a digital electronic memory.
However, “photos are often thought as ways to hold things still.” they allow us to hold a memory, and also can be seen as a source of knowledgment.
This quote suggests that there is a deeper meaning and background to a photo than what you first originally see.
“Conceal as much as reveal”. Suggests that the photo or image may be hiding, or not showing the whole truth and what is expected. This creates a sense of mystery, David Campany does this by using a black and white filter over most of his photos in his book. On one of his pages in his book he writes about Helena Almeida’s ‘Inhabited Painting’ photo, where it is a black and white photo of a woman holding a paintbrush, contrasted with blue paint smudges across the photo. this creates mystery as it does not show the whole picture and you are left guessing what is happening behind it.

“Dirstact as much as compel”. This sentence gives the impression that photography can be someones source of escapism. for example, not having to focus on their own life and being able to focus on what they are taking a picture of, or what is happening in someone else’s photograph. By taking photos, you are able to capture moments “over time, across cultures and between contexts”. “If a photograph compels, if it holds our attention, it will be for more than one reason. The reasons may be unexpected, and even contradictory. When we are drawn to look at a photograph again and again, it is likely that our second or third response will not be quite the same as the first.” Furthermore, taking into consideration different views on a photograph upon viewing it more than once.

“Confuse as much as fascinate”. This sentence implies that as much as a photo can confuse you, it is the confusion which draws you in to view it, and try to decode the thought process and meaning behind why it was taken. When not understanding something, you automatically want to learn about it to try understand it. this is what broadens your attention span.

What is photography class discussion.

How important is the readers intention?
I believe it is very important to know what the photographers intention is as in this photo ‘the day nobody died’ it has a story behind it of how two photographers travelled to Afghanistan to photograph the war but ended up exposing the film to sunlight. the story behind this image adds meaning and emotion to it.
This photo uses David Campany’s quote “photographs confuse as much as fascinate, conceal as much as reveal, distract as much as compel.” This is an interesting photo, as you question why this photo was taken and how it was taken.
The story behind how this photo was taken is found by researching it.