Photography is the art of recording, capturing and reproducing images. It has evolved over time with new techniques and equipment being developed to improve the quality of photographs. Photography can be done using a camera, digital cameras or even a mobile phone. The most common type of photography is still photography which involves taking pictures without moving the camera while video photography involves moving the camera while shooting videos.
What are some types of Photography?
There are many different types of photography such as landscape, portrait, macro (close up), sports, wildlife and street photography for example.
Using a camera.
There are a multitude of ways to take a good photo, but most professional photographers edit the camera’s setting such as aperture and shutter speed. Aperture is the adjustable lens opening that controls the amount of light allowed into the camera. Aperture is used whether you want the background or foreground in focus. Shutter Speed is the speed on which the camera’s shutter closes, a fast shutter means the photo is more focused and has a shorter exposure a longer shutter means the photo has a long exposure and is more blurry.
History of Photography.
Photography means drawing with light. It come from Greek words phos, meaning light, and graphê meaning drawing or writing. The first photograph was taken by French scientist Joseph Nicéphore Niépce in 1826 at his family’s country home, the title being ‘View from the Window at Le Gras’ .

The first sign of photography was in 1717 where Johann Heinrich Schulze captured cut-out letters on a bottle of a light-sensitive slurry, but he never thought about making the result durable. In 1800 Thomas Wegwood, who was unsuccessful at capturing images in a permanent form, his tests did produce detailed photograms – but Wegwood and his associate found no way to fix these images. A photogram is a photographic image made without a camera by placing objects directly onto the surface of a light-sensitive material such as photographic paper and then exposing it to light, this was how the first fil camera’s where made.
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