Photography has been changing and developing meaning it’s original purpose was mutated and photography started to be used for many different purposes. Photographs are art and can be interpreted in many different ways, for some they will carry a meaning which would be personal for each individual, the meaning behind them would not be straight forward.

Location: USA
There are said to be two types of the way photography is shared, through conventions and through words, words in magazines or books, where a photo is convenient in order to help the readers imagination. Personally I believe there is one type of photography used for art purposes, where it is unique and does not follow a specific format and is limitless, But also there is another form of photography where photographs are used for more convenient purposes where the mind simply cannot remember information, or cant share it in any other ways to others.

What i believe is very important about photography is that no matter how it is used or the meaning behind it or its real purpose, photographs capture a specific moment in an individuals life and are amazing storytellers. What is fascinating is how a single moment can be captured through one photograph, however that specific moment can not be relived again and all that is left of it is the photograph. This is why photography is so important to people. As not only people can embrace the creativity, on top of that, photography can connect people.
A single image can be shared with others infinite amounts of times, through photography people can communicate, almost giving photography its own language. Millions of different people can be looking at one image and understand it, no matter where they are from or what language they speak, that one image will carry a message but each individual is going to have their own meaning of the photograph. I found a quote suggesting this “the reader/viewer was free to make her own connections”.

“Photographs confuse as much as fascinate, conceal as much as reveal, distract as much as compel. They are unpredictable communicators.” “confuse as much as fascinate” I think what this means is the a photograph can be interpreted as a piece that boggles the mind and can move a person emotionally. A photograph can also be secretive but still signify an open book, where any photograph could uncover a specific meaning it is hiding or revealing. This also means the meaning of it can be easy to spot but not always and not for everyone. The meaning of “distract as much as compel” to me means that in the photograph, depending on what is being photographed or the scenery “distract” in the photo can be serene but turbulent, this again means a photograph can really affect a persons feelings.

Leap into the void , was taken in 1960 of a performance by Yves Klein, which gained popularity over the interesting act Klein did. because of the times it was taken , it was so fascinating as photomontages or photo editing existed. this image was taken in 2 parts. where one was taken of Klein jumping off the roof and others catching him when he falls, and another of the scenery with the bicycle in the background, then these 2 pictures have been put together to form a shocking photograph.

The statement said above and my interpretation of it: “Photographs confuse as much as fascinate, conceal as much as reveal, distract as much as compel. They are unpredictable communicators.” can be interpreted to this specific photograph. this image is very fascinating yet confusing as an act of jumping of a roof for artistic purpose can be confusing to some but can fascinate others as it shows he is willing to do this for art and is passionate for the story he is trying to tell. Regarding my point earlier, this image will have a different meaning to each individual and peoples views and opinions of the photograph will differ based on their culture, religion, place of living, gender etc. What the photo means to me is that the title ” leap into the void” suggests some suffering, almost giving up, to the point you are so helpless you are willing to jump into nothing, or empty space, which he demonstrates by not only jumping passionately, showing he wants this, also by choosing the location which is almost an empty street. By having no cars or no people in the picture except one cyclist may suggest he has nobody that cares about him, extending that idea, the cyclist ,cycling away from him may mean this carelessness from the public. This means he isn’t trying to gain attention, he is taking this “leap” because he wants to, maybe to find a meaning of something or find a solution specific to him.