Shutter Speed photoshoot

John Baldessari

The following photos were inspired by the work of John Baldessari who was a talented photographer who made unique and interesting pieces.

He uses a variety of colours to make his pictures eye-catching to the viewer.

‘I will not make anymore boring art’ – John Baldessari

Boxing photoshoot

Ball aliment

These images were all taken with a shutter speed of 1250. This means that the pictures are a lot clearer than what they would be if the shutter speed were lower.

The photos were also inspired by the work of John Baldessari who was a talented photographer who made unique and interesting pieces.

One thought on “Shutter Speed photoshoot”

  1. Caitlin…good progress, but now you have learned how to use the blog and arrange blog posts, you must aim to develop your blog posts with more detail and thoroughness, connecting concepts and ideas with technical aspects of photography too.

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