Shutter speed affects an image as it controls how much light the camera takes in. A fast shutter speed will let less light in meaning the image will be sharper as it isn’t over exposed. If the shutter speed is slow it will let more light in to the camera making the image blurry and over exposed.

For example if you wanted to take photos of moving objects with lights you would want to use a slow shutter speed so the camera can capture the light and what’s going on in the image.
However, if you had a fast shutter speed to take it will blur the moving object.

Photo Games

For these two images I used a fast shutter speed, around 1/250, which is why the balls are sharp, clear and in focus in the image and not blurry.

This image is blurrier than the other two as it had a lower shutter speed making the balls burry and not as sharp as the images with a fast shutter speed.
Good progress, but now you have learned how to use the blog and arrange blog posts, you must aim to develop your blog posts with more detail and thoroughness, connecting concepts and ideas with technical aspects of photography too.