Shutter Speed affects an image by making it blurry or sharp. If the shutter speed is long, then the cameras ‘curtains’ are open for a long time, which lets in light. The longer the curtain is open, the blurrier a photo can be if you’re moving. However, a short shutter speed causes the curtain to be open for a shorter amount of time. This lets less light in, and will produce a sharper image.

An example of a long shutter speed would be the first photo, where the focal point that’s moving is blurred.

However, in this image, a shorter shutter speed would have been used to photograph the moving dog more sharply.

These photos have a fast shutter speed of around 1/250s. This means the moving balls are in focus.

However, this photo was taken with a slower shutter speed, so the balls are not sharp and the image is blurred. The camera’s captured the movement of the camera and balls

Good progress, but now you have learned how to use the blog and arrange blog posts, you must aim to develop your blog posts with more detail and thoroughness, connecting concepts and ideas with technical aspects of photography too.
Your Summer Task shows thoughtful engagement too, well done!