For this part of my project, I wanted to experiment presenting my images in a different form to a zine or mounting my images. Firstly I cut out 3 segments of structures I have photographed after sticking the images onto foam board. I used a sharp knife to carefully and smoothly cut out these segments without encountering any rough edges or cutting mistakes. To begin with the experimentation I laid out my three cut outs in a basic sequence to see how it would look.
Foam board layouts
I did around 20 different positions for these cut outs to experiment which format I can present as my final arrangement. I started with a simple shuffle of the images to experiment which format is most effective.
I think most of these layout experiments are really effective and don’t look unorganised. I believe they all create a assembled sequence with no flaws. Every experiment was done by placing these foam board cut outs onto a bigger piece of foam board and created a 3 dimensional effect and added some depth. My favourite layout from these experiments in Experiment #5 because of how the order of the images create what almost looks like a whole new buildings. Also, I like how their are no rough corners or edges due to all cut outs linking up.
3d sculpture experimentation
After seeing how these experiments looked I wanted to create a 3d sculpture that stands high looking like a unique whole building. To create these sculptures I used a straight piece of wire to connect the cut outs together by placing them on top of one another to form an effective layout. However I didn’t do too much experimentation for this area as after around 3 attempts I found a good and effective layout for my sculpture.
As I stated, I only did 3 experiments until I found the effective layout and stance in which my sculpture stands. My favourite sculpture is Experiment #3 as I really like how all the buildings link up near perfectly creating an almost new structure.
Letha Wilson
Letha Wilson is an American artist working in photography and sculpture making who often combines large-scale landscape photographs with sculptural elements of metal and concrete, challenging the two-dimensional nature of traditional photography. I have chosen to include Letha in my post as she has slightly similar work to my 3d sculptures I have created using foam board and cut outs. Her work is much more advanced and unique compared to mine by not only focusing on the topic of architecture but many outdoor images. Her and Felicity Hammond have inspired me to experiment with these sculptures as they are the most unique artists for sculptures as such.
Final sculpture experimentation
Overall, I am extremely pleased with these experiments as it gives me many new ideas with how I would like to present my work instead of through mounting and digital forms. I used 3 different images of buildings to create one main structure which links together well with no rough edges. I could’ve improved these sculptures by experimenting more with the 3d creations by trying out different layouts. Also, I could’ve made more cut outs on the foam board to further expand the sculpture by introducing new features. The three images I used I selected as final prints that I have mounted and stuck onto foam board so I can present them in another form.