Prints: final outcomes + presentation

I presented my a5 prints in a 6 photo window mount. I did this by drawing up lines and measuring where to cut out the windows with even gaps between each photo. Then I taped the the photos facing forward, with a pattern of black and white and coloured photos:

I chose to position the images where I did so I could make a pattern between the coloured photos with clear blue skies and contrast them with some black and white photos. The buildings pictured in black and white are also generally older than the coloured photos. I think this creates a deeper effect with Jersey’s newer Waterfront buildings contrasting with the older buildings more central in town, that show the more historical side of the island. Window mounts are good ways to display your work because the black background can compliment your photos.

Another idea I had with my remaining a3 prints was to cut them up like this:

I did this by using spray mount and trimming all my photos

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