Statement of Intent

  • What you want to explore?
  • Why it matters to you?
  • How you wish to develop your project?
  • When and where you intend to begin your study?

I want to explore the themes of Simple and Complex through more abstract, lighting focused images, similar to the work of my artist references.

I want to use these images to explore the themes of self representation and identity through more abstract less person based images. I feel like this would create a unique set of work while still being aesthetically pleasing.

I wish to develop my project by taking inspiration from my artist references for my photoshoots, and trying to take more creative risks with my images and being more experimental in the shooting stage.

I will begin my study by looking at the work of photographers Jiayue Yu and Rinko Kawauchi, while still keeping an eye out for any future references that could fit into the project as well. These two artists explore the ideas of identity through more abstract images, which I like a lot. They photograph a variety of subject matters, from flowers and insects to buildings and the sea.

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