Evaluation and Critique


I am very happy with the photographs I took overall as I believe they were able to convey the exact message I was going for and have been presented exactly how I wanted. I am very happy with how my photobook turned out as well and I once again feel as if it meets the brief of what I was trying to aim for. I feel that what I have presented fits with the theme of “complex” due to the different countries exteriors, interiors and meaning behind them.

I made a lot of changes to my photobook after highlighting what I was going initially. At the very beginning of this project I said I was going to include black and white pages and black and white text, but I wanted to hold a similarity to Michael Schmidt’s work so I changed the idea of different coloured text and pages and just stuck to white pages and black text if needed. I also initially started off with a standard landscape format for my photobook but at the end decided to change it to a small square format as I preferred the concept of having a smaller book to contain complex imagery.

What went well:

I believe I was able to execute what I was envisioning and was very happy with the final results of each photograph taken. I wanted to have my work heavily inspired by Michael Schmidt which I believe I was able to achieve when editing and finalising my photographs. I was able to present the exact concept that I was thinking of going ahead with and I am very satisfied with the way I have laid everything out and presented my final outcomes.


What I would have done differently is I would have taken more photos of Jersey due to the fact it is the island I live on and it means a lot to me. Although the main basis of my photography was to be on WWII and the history of the German occupation, however Jersey is filled with bunkers which highlight the history of the War which I have really taken advantage of as I have easier access to photographing these compared to ones in Germany and Poland. I also would have taken photos of the bunker in my garden as it is something that I own and have easy access to, it means a lot to me as it is part of where I live. Even though it isn’t a very exciting bunker, it is still one that I could have captured to signify the importance that bunkers in Jersey have to me.

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