
Best Images


What went well?:

I believe my project follows the overall theme of the Male Gaze, I have used techniques such as including images from a males perspective to highlight the male impact on the female life. I think that my images are good and have been thoroughly experimented with in order to create effective shadows, light and overall interesting to look at. Throughout my project I have made sure to keep minor details up highlighted such as the use of light and shows to convey emotion.

To Improve:

To begin, I wish I had researched the work of Cindy Sherman more thoroughly, mainly because sometimes I felt slightly confused to what her images were meant to be conveying, however it is possible that Sherman’s work can be confusing because it could have so many different meanings and allows you to be confused in order too interpret your own meaning. Secondly, I should’ve taken more images, particularly ones similar to the costumed images by Sherman.

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