Artist comparison – George Georgiou

I have chosen to compare these two images as I believe that they both have similarities in the two. They both contain photos of a single person so they first have a similarity within the fact they’re both in the same situation . Both images show someone walking carrying something and are both based around a urban area, having other buildings in the background of them. They both display portions of the road and showing them looking down walking not paying attention to what’s happening around them definitely capturing them in true nature not realising they are being photographed. I feel that the background and situation makes it more dull and moody as it is representing the urbanised world.

one difference is that my image has a younger male looking at his phone while the older lady is just looking down representing how the youth are much more tech concentrated nowadays

Here is a full-scale presentation of the image I have chosen to compare with that of George Georgiou . I really like how this image turned out as I feel it is very similar to that of Georgiou’s work who I used as a real inspiration for my pieces. Georgiou’s work has been a huge inspiration for me as I feel he is able to present the essence of what the uk and people are really like through it’s capturing of people in everyday life.

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