Virtual gallery

Here I have a presentation of my virtual gallery. I really liked how these images turned out as I believe they were able to present exactly what I was trying to portray with both my area of study and the theme of “complex”. I wanted to articulate a complex looking exterior of Berlin, showing off all the graffiti and bunkers and buildings and also the interior of them, but I was also wanting to capture a complex meaning behind the images as well in the sense that the majority of these photographs taken were clear indications about the war and the aftermath of the event itself. I wanted to showcase what Berlin looks like nowadays in the modern reality as to present the growth of the city and society.

I like the way I placed my images together as I believe I arranged them in a sense that makes sense and allowing for each image to compliment each other nicely. I didn’t want to pair up loads of harsh images together so I placed in some softer ones with lighter tones as to break it up slightly.

Process behind making the virtual gallery

Empty gallery
Images inserted into gallery
Drop shadow added to the images

For my virtual gallery, I started off by selecting an empty of an empty gallery from the internet and opened it up in photoshop. Once I did this I inserted the images I wanted to display together and arranged them in an order that I liked the most. Once I arranged them

Adding a drop shadow to my images:

Here I have shown the process behind how to add a drop shadow to my images. Including a drop shadow makes the image appear more 3D and like it is actually framed within a gallery.

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