Photoshoot 4 (Unplanned)

This photoshoot wasn’t planned because i wasn’t expecting it however i was presented with the opportunity to go for a ride in this vehicle and i asked the owner if i could take some pictures.

I uploaded my photos into adobe light room classic and began to pick out my best images using the p for pick and x for don’t pick feature.

These 19 images were the ones i thought were best from my photoshoot

I experimented by creating virtual copies of my best images and making them black and white. This makes the images look much more authentic as the car was built in the 1920s.

Developing the images

In addition to using the contrast, highlights, exposure and shadows features to slightly improve the look of the image i also used the levelling features available in light room. This is because i took the photographs at Sorel racetrack which is on the north coast of the island and it has a slight decline.

After I had developed all of the images including the black and white copies I used the rating system in Lightroom. I rated each image 3, 4 or 5 stars depending on their quality.

My Final Images

These were the 5 best images from my final photoshoot.


I lowered the contrast of the images in lightroom. This made a significant difference and made them look like they were taken in the 1920s when the car was made. This is because the camera technology wasnt very advanced then they could not pick up a large amount of contrast.

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