What you want to explore?
What I would like to explore within my study is a link between landscape photography the portrait photography. I would mainly like to focus on the concept of including war related architecture from both Germany and Jersey. Germany is filled with many aspects that revolve around the war and Jersey includes a wide variety of the same content. I believe that the study within the areas of Jersey, Poland and Germany highlights the theme of complexity as they display a wide variety of landscapes that area very complicated to look at during first glance and also contain a much more complex meaning behind them, relating to the war.
Why it matters to you?
It matters to me because Jersey was occupied by the Germans during WWII. It was inhabited mainly by the Germans and Jersey is the island that I was born and continue to live on. It matters a lot to me as it is the place I grew up on and it has an important link to that of the wars that commenced from Germany. The jersey portion of my photoshoots will be incredibly important to me as well because I have a German bunker in my garden so it is part of where I live.
How you wish to develop your project?
The way I wish to develop my project is I would like to take a variety of photographs from each location such as Poland, Germany and Jersey and create a photobook at the very end. I would like to display a variety of locations from each country as to showcase a difference between each historical monument and their similarities and differences.
When and where you intend to begin your study?
I intend to start my study first within Berlin so that I can first get a feel of what i’m going for with this project. I want to capture the historical aspects of the city before I can go down the route of figuring out what I’m aiming to photograph in the other areas. I think Germany is a very good starting point for my project as my topic is going to mainly be based around Germany and the aftermath of World War II, so Germany being my first area to take photographs in seems like a good idea.