Planning my Photoshoots

Photoshoot 1:

For my first photoshoot I’d like to compare the different aspects of gender and how they’re often portrayed in media – specifically looking at stereotypes and trying to exaggerate them. I also plan to use props/poses to contrast these stereotypes later on, playing with the ideas we typically assign to the opposite gender.

Photoshoot 2:

For my second photoshoot I’d like to try and take some images with exaggerated colour and makeup choices. I’d like to do this in order to point out how people have assigned things such as colours, shoes etc to each sex despite how they’re all made of the same things.

Photoshoot 3:

For my third photoshoot, I’d like to take a series of self-portraits inspired by Sharn O’Donnell’s work. I’d like to take inspiration from their use of suits and veils/heels to represent different parts of their identity but put my own twist on it. I’m planning to have this photoshoot around my house, exploring different aspects of gender within the typical household, using different types of props to help connect me to the scenery, elevating each photo.

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