Photoshoot plans

Photoshoot 1

My first photoshoot is going to be in the style of Richard Avedon. I will be photographing two of my friends who are a couple. This will be done outside using natural lighting. It will be on a cloudy day in order to get a soft lighting to get an even light on my models faces and prevent shadows. My models are my friend who is a car enthusiast and part of my car based friendship group along with his girlfriend. My models will be wearing casual clothing as that is what they wear when we go on drives. This ensures that the photos are natural as possible as well as sticking will the style of Richard Avedon who photoshoots his models in the environment where he finds them in exactly what they are already wearing. I will be taking another friend with me who will assist me in taking the photos by holding a portable backdrop so i can get a plain background to keep the main focus of the photograph on my models as Avedon does. Additionally, to stick to the style of Avedon i will be doing half body shots meaning i will only be photographing my models from the waist up. To keep with the theme of Richard Avedon the images will mainly be in black and white however i will shoot in colour and put the photos in black and white in photo editing software afterwards.

  • Where – Noirmont point
  • When – ???
  • Who – Rhys Barrot + Holly Valois
  • Weather – Overcast
  • Style – Richard Avedon

Noirmont point

Richard Avedon photographs

Photoshoot 2

My second photoshoot is going to be in the style of Danny Lyons. I will be photographing some of my biker friends in front of their motorbikes. I will do the photoshoot on a cloudy day also as that will give me even lighting as well as no shadows. I will be photographing my models both in in their bike gear such as helmet, jacket and gloves while on rides as well as without their gear on. Some photos will be of them stood next to their bikes, riding their bikes past me, sat on the bikes as well as some without the bike. Most of the photographs will be in black and white to stick to the style of Lyons however i will shoot in colour and make in images black and white in editing software afterwards. These photos will be a mix of full body as well as half body shots. This will ensure that the portraits are environmental as well as showing the features of my model. The photos will not be taken at pre-planned times rather we will all go out on a ride as we do most weekends. While we ride around and go places such as garages and carparks to stop and work on and talk about bikes i will walk around with my camera to get natural photos as Avedon did while during his time photographing hells angles which is what i want to recreate.

  • Where – ???
  • When – ???
  • Who – Bike People
  • Weather – Overcast
  • Style – Danny Lyons

Danny Lyons photographs

Photoshoot 3

My third photoshoot will be styled in a combination of Richard Avedon and Danny Lyons. I will be photographing my friend in front of their car which applies to Lyons’s style however i will be doing half body shots to show aspects of Avedon’s style. The photos will be in colour to provide some contrast from my other shoots. The model will be wearing their natural clothing however my model has an interesting fashion sense which will make the photos very interesting and show aspects of Avedon’s work as he photographs interesting people rather then people who have a regular look. Due to the half body shots most of the car will be cropped out which i believe will make a very interesting as different parts of the car can be used in each image to give the shoot some variety.

  • Where – ???
  • When – ???
  • Who – Jadyn Dupre
  • Weather – Overcast
  • Style – Danny Lyons + Richard Avedon

One thought on “Photoshoot plans”

  1. Blog posts to make for photobook:
    1. Research and deconstruct photobook: Choose either photobook by Michael Schmidt and look at in detail – follow these steps

    Book in hand: how does it feel? Smell, sniff the paper.
    Paper and ink: use of different paper/ textures/ colour or B&W or both.
    Format, size and orientation: portraiture/ landscape/ square/ A5, A4, A3 / number of pages.
    Binding, soft/hard cover. image wrap/dust jacket. saddle stitch/swiss binding/ Japanese stab-binding/ leperello
    Cover: linen/ card. graphic/ printed image. embossed/ debossed. letterpress/ silkscreen/hot-stamping.
    Title: literal or poetic / relevant or intriguing.
    Narrative: what is the story/ subject-matter. How is it told?
    Structure and architecture: how design/ repeating motifs/ or specific features develops a concept or construct a narrative.
    Design and layout: image size on pages/ single page, double-spread/ images/ grid, fold- outs/ inserts.
    Editing and sequencing: selection of images/ juxtaposition of photographs/ editing process.
    Images and text: are they linked? Introduction/ essay/ statement by artists or others. Use of captions (if any.)

    2. Write a book specification and describe in detail what your book will be about in terms of narrative, concept and design with reference to the same elements of bookmaking as above.

    Narrative: What is your story?
    Describe in:

    3 words
    A sentence
    A paragraph
    Design: Consider the following

    How you want your book to look and feel
    Paper and ink
    Format, size and orientation
    Binding and cover
    Structure and architecture
    Design and layout
    Editing and sequencing
    Images and text

    3. Produce a mood-board of design ideas for inspiration. Look at BLURB online book making website, photo books from photographers or see previous books produced by Hautlieu students on the table in class.

    4. Make sure you have a made a blog post that charts your editing process, including prints screens with annotation

    5. Photobook: Final layout + evaluation

    6. Prints: Final outcomes + presentation

    7. Prints: Virtual Gallery + Evaluation

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