————- Contact sheets ————-
Here are all my images from my first photoshoot
————- Rejected and flagged images ————-
Flagged images:
———— Colour coded and star rated images ————
Some of my best images:

————- Contact sheets ————-
Here are all my images from my first photoshoot
————- Rejected and flagged images ————-
Flagged images:
———— Colour coded and star rated images ————
Some of my best images:
Below I have created a gallery with lots of similar images in, I think that this layout makes my images look more aesthetic and proves they can be linked together, these four may also being used in a typology or grid format as they all match together very well and in my opinion they are the best from all of my photoshoots. The main strengths of these final images is the composition and they angle at which all of them are taken at, as during this photoshoot I had hundreds of similar photographs at different angles. By making them monochromatic and putting the contrast up very far the images are made more interesting and the symmetry pf the manmade landscape is made more clear.
I have had to adapt the angle of some of these images, along with cropping them I have edited the highlights to made the sun hitting the buildings brighter, and changed the tones so that the sky is darker then the structures themselves. Furthermore, the bottom image is my favourite as the perspective creates symmetry and I think the sky still being in the photo creates contrast between the strong shapes in the building and the lack of detail in the background.
I have selected this image above as another one of my final pieces as I think the building instead makes for a bold focal point, the blue tones in the windows match with the pale blue sky and makes the photograph more cohesive. In addition, the composition of the image makes it stronger as the building is the focal point but the other aspects such as the underneath of another building (which is the triangle yellow section in the top left) and the bird in the top right mean that the image is less generic and stands out from my other pieces, I also don’t think these aspects make the image weaker, they just add to it.
This image was taken next to La Mare slipway and is linked in with my photoshoot of the apartments in that area, I think the main parts that I like about this image are the composition and the lightning, as this was taken during the late afternoon just before “golden hour”. The fact that the tops of the houses are all in line makes the image more aesthetic, and by increasing the saturation it actually ended up making the sky more grainy, but I think the end photograph was still a success, with the blue glass on the glass balconies matching with the colour of the sky. This illustrates the concept of industrial landscapes as it shows manmade structures in contrast with the natural sky.
This image was taken during my second photoshoot taken around some fields in St Saviours, I really liked the view from these fields and I think that these images best demonstrate the industrial landscapes project, this is because there are many natural aspects such as trees, grass and hills. This contrasts with the buildings, such as houses and the La Mare flats, as these flats really stand out against the other aspects of the image. I also think the composition of the photograph, with half of it being land and half being sky, means that the juxtaposition between manmade and natural landscapes is even, meaning it fits with this project the most.
I have selected this image above as on of my final ones and in my opinion this image demonstrates the positives of manmade landscapes, as its showing off the good parts of human life, being housing which everybody needs, Along with these houses being aesthetically pleasing, I think that the angle and composition of this images makes it one of my best, even as the colours in this photograph match well, as the blues and greens throughout give the image a cooler tone, but the higher saturation of the image and the yellow house on the left makes the image more neutral.
This image is the only black and white photograph that would be displayed by itself, it was taken just along from Havre Des Pas and being edited in this way makes apartments in this photograph stand out more, as the parallel line and windows, which can only be created by man, become a lot more apparent and highlight the concept of this project very well. I made the exposure of the image lower, along with the shadows and drastic contrast, this was the final product.
I took these photos around Highlands college
Basic Edits – Black & White
Final Image:
We did a class trip to Havre des pas, a place in Jersey with a boardwalk and manmade swimming pool. There was a lot of construction work in the area, and we ended up walking to the power station to get some more industrial architecture.
Like with my rural landscapes shoot, I wanted to be more experimental with my editing style, creating a range of coloured and monochrome images. I especially like the look of the images I made black and white and then hue shifted to get some interesting unnatural colours.
Relating to or denoting the current geological age, viewed as the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment.
The Anthropocene is characterized by rapid anthropogenic environmental change, yet rapid environmental change and ecological responses to change are not unique to the present epoch. All ecosystems, past and present, have been subject to rapid environmental change resulting in novel ecosystems.
The Anthropocene, or Anthropocene Epoch, is a proposed name for the geological epoch that we’re currently living in. The name is intended to indicate that human actions have had a significant and lasting impact on the environment since the Industrial Revolution.
Ideas for Anthropocene project:
Examples of Anthropocene photography:
Bernd Becher and Hilla Becher
Hilla Becher was a German artist born in 1931 in Siegen, Germany. She was one half of a photography duo with her husband Bernd Becher. For forty years, they photographed disappearing industrial architecture around Europe and North America.
They began collaborating together in 1959 after meeting at the Kunstakademie DĂ¼sseldorf in 1957. Bernd originally studied painting and then typography, whereas Hilla had trained as a commercial photographer. After two years collaborating together, they married.
Industrial structures including water towers, coal bunkers, gas tanks and factories. Their work had a documentary style as their images were always taken in black and white. Their photographs never included people.
They exhibited their work in sets or typologies, grouping of several photographs of the same type of structure. The are well known for presenting their images in grid formations.
Sze Tsung Leong
Sze Tsung NicolĂ¡s Leong is a British-Mexican-American artist, born in Mexico City. He is currently based in Los Angeles.
Leong’s work includes the series Cities, a detailed depiction of urban formations throughout the globe, from medieval towns to recent constructions, that together form a picture of the world at this particular moment in time at the beginning of the twenty-first century.
Horizons, an international collection of images of natural terrains and urban landscapes that considers the relationships between far and near, foreign and familiar; and History Images, which examines the erasure of history and the reshaping of society through the built environment.
These photographs in ‘History Images‘ are of histories, in the form of cities in China, either being destroyed or created at this juncture in time. They are of past histories, in the form of traditional buildings and neighborhoods, urban fabrics, and natural landscapes, in the process of being erased. They are of the absence of histories, in the form of construction sites, built upon an erasure of the past so complete that one would never know a past had ever existed. And they are of the anticipation of future histories, yet to unfold, in the form of newly built cities.
Edward Burntsky
Edward Burtynsky is regarded as one of the world’s most accomplished contemporary photographers. His remarkable photographic depictions of global industrial landscapes represent over 40 years of his dedication to bearing witness to the impact of humans on the planet.
Early exposure to the sites and images of the General Motors plant in his hometown helped to formulate the development of his photographic work. His imagery explores the collective impact we as a species are having on the surface of the planet; an inspection of the human systems we’ve imposed onto natural landscapes.
Other artists I liked:
Thomas Struth:
Donovan Wylie:
Keld Helmer-Petersen is one of the most influential Danish photographers in the 20th Century. He was an international pioneer in colour photography and was a central figure in not only Danish but also European modernist photography. His career lasted 70 years and he had strong interest in modern architecture, industrial areas and structures. He was very prolific and continuously experimented and challenged the many possibilities of photography and imagery.
Keld Helmer-Petersen born 23rd August 1920 in Copenhagen, where he lived and worked most of his life until his death in 2013. He started photographing in 1938, when he was given a camera as a graduation gift.
he studied the graphic and abstract affects of photography he was self taught and studied technical manuals, journals and photobooks. He also took inspiration from radical image experiments during the war and the avant-garde photography during the Bauhaus period. He collaborated and socialised with architects, musicians, artists and writers who inspired him.
both images were taken at an industrial sight although my image isn’t based around the straight lines in the architecture it shares the same theme that Keld was trying to maintain during his career I managed to produce a 3D image just like he did while still having a good contrast and maintaining the texture of the metal work in the image due to the use of the correct iso for the natural/daylight lighting.
final images
For these photoshoots, I travelled to many locations around the St Helier side of Jersey to try and capture my best images which I could use for the urban landscape project. Whilst taking photos I took a range of 150-200 and then selected which ones I believe would work the best for me. After rating my images on Lightroom I decided to narrow it down to a final of 10 images which I knew would look good when edited.
These are my 10 final images for urban landscape:
I selected these as my finals outcomes for the urban landscape photography project because I believe they are the images that came out the best compared to the others. These 10 images were the best from a range of 150-200 images because of the lighting, positioning and angles. I used Adobe Lightroom to edit 9/10 of these images by changing features such as the exposure, highlights and clarity which all had a very good effect on all images.
However, 1 of my images was created on photoshop because of the more advanced features that can be used instead of Lightroom. This image is the first one displayed at the top of the post. I thought to edit this image on photoshop because I had an idea that I believed worked out very well.
For this image edited of Photoshop, I first started off with taking cut-outs of most man made things displayed in the photograph and made all the cut-outs into new layers. After creating all my layers, I highlighted every layer and decided to play around with the ‘Stylize’ tool to see what worked best. Finally, I decided to choose the ‘Find Edges’ feature which makes every layer highlighted stand out more than the rest of the image.
I selected these images as my final images because they are my favourite images that I have taken, favourite edits out of the images and I believe they portray the idea of an urban landscape the best out of all my photographs. These final outcomes contain images from both of my photoshoots, five of the images are from shoot 1 and the other four from shoot 2. All of the images have been manipulated using either Lightroom or Photoshop, or both. I set out to take photos of urban and industrial landscapes, and I believe that I completed this task to my best ability. The images that I took came out very well and I am happy with my final outcomes. To improve, I could have taken more photos in my first photo shoot, or have done a third photoshoot, with more photos I would have had more to work with and produce more final images or higher quality final images. Overall I believe that I completed this task successfully