hamptonne Edits

Here are a few of my edited pictures from my Hamptonne photoshoot.

I chose this image as I love the contrasting colours from the wheel and the plants in the background, I wanted to add a green tone to the image to emphasis the plants behind.

I thought this image was good because the pigs represent the farm life at Hamptonne, I also liked the composition of the pigs because it captures them in their natural form.

I chose this image because of the almost iridescent feathers of the chicken, chickens are also a huge a part of Hamptonnes farm life, the composition of the chicken is also great as you can see its body and also its face.

This is an image of one of the actors who plays a wool knitter, this was an important role in jerseys history as it was a large producer of wool products. I decided to edit this image because it captures the clothing and the feel of life in the Georgian era, I also found the orange shade dress was a brilliant colour.

This is an image of another actor who played a the role of a common woman in the Georgian times, I edited this one in black and white I felt it captured the shadows and light nicely.

This picture is of the same actor, she is acting as if she was doing her duties of what a woman would do at the time.

I captured the furniture and room accessories of the time to show how much times have changed, from candle lit rooms, to automatic lights that we have today.

I love the warm feel of this photo, I feel it captures the end of summer well with the vibrant red berries, and the sun light sitting on the wall.

Environmental Portraits



Arnold Newman (1918-2006) is well-known for his work which has changed portraiture. He is known as the “Father of Environmental Portraiture.” Newman’s work was collected and exhibited numerous of the biggest museums in the world.

The Art Of Photographing Artists: Portraits By Arnold Newman | WBAA

Newman was an important contributor to publications such as New York, Vanity Fair, LIFE, Look, Holiday, Harper’s Bazaar, Esquire, Town and Country, Scientific American, New York Times Magazine, and many others.

There are numerous books published of Newman’s work in addition to countless histories of photography, catalogues, articles and television programs. He received many major awards by the leading professional organizations in the U.S. and abroad including the American Society of Media Photographers, The International Center of Photography, The Lucie Award, The Royal Photographic Society Centenary Award as well as France’s “Commander of the Order of Arts and Letters.”

Arnold Newman - Artists - Howard Greenberg Gallery

In 2005, Photo District News named Newman as one of the 25 most influential living photographers. In 2006, Newman was awarded The Gold Medal for Photography by The National Arts Club. He is the recipient of nine honorary doctorates and has lectured and conducted workshops throughout the country and the world.

2 People

To improve my photoshoot I need to check that my camera settings are suitable for the conditions that I’m photographing in because I found that the aperture was too low leaving my photographs dark and underexposed.

Photoshoot 1-

I used P + X

Adobe Lightroom- Editing my images

Final Images

Final Edited Outcome

Photo Editing Using Lightroom

A Screenshot from Lightroom showing my process- I had a wide range of images and first went through and flagged them using P (pick) and X (reject), I then rated my remaining images 3s for images I was unsure of and 4s for images I liked. I then colour coded them based on the subject, Yellow for environment based, Green for portraits and blue for object based.
I then edited some of my favourite images and marked them as 5 stars. I also made a few images black and white, marking them as purple so they stand out from my coloured ones.
An example of how I would edit my pictures.

Final Hamptonne Images-

Corn riots + jersey museum

I visited Jersey Museum on 1st October 2021 to look at corn riots and protest displays.

The corn riots

During the 18th century, power in Jersey was concentrated in the hands of the Lemprière family. In 1750, Charles Lemprière was appointed Lieutenant Bailiff, while his brother Philippe was named Receiver-General.

One of Charles Lemprière’s major opponents within the Island was Nicholas Fiott. He was a captain and merchant who had disagreements with Lemprière going back many years. Things came to a head in the mid-1760s when Fiott struggled to find a lawyer to represent him in the Royal Court as they were all appointed by Lemprière.

Finally, Fiott took his frustrations to the Court. This was the opportunity for which Lemprière had been waiting. Fiott made his objections in writing and was prosecuted by Lemprière for insulting members of the Court. Fiott was fined and sentenced to ‘amende honorable’, which meant that he had to get down on his knees and pray for the forgiveness of God, the King and the Court. He refused to comply with the sentence and was sent to prison for a month .On his release, Fiott left the Island.

In 1767, people protested about the export of grain from the Island. Anonymous threats were made against shipowners and a law was passed the following year to keep corn in Jersey. In August 1769 the States of Jersey repealed this law, claiming that crops in the Island were plentiful. There was suspicion that this was a ploy to raise the price of wheat, which would be beneficial to the rich, many of whom had ‘rentes’ owed to them on properties that were payable in wheat. As major landowners, the Lemprière family stood to profit hugely.

In the summer of 1769, a ship loaded with corn for export was raided by a group of women who demanded that the sailors unload their cargo and sell it in the Island. ‘Let us die on the spot, rather than by languishing in famine. God hath given us corn, and we will keep it, in spite of the Lemprières, and the court, for if we trust to them they will starve us’.

On Thursday 28 September 1769, a Court called the Assize d’Héritage was sitting, hearing cases relating to property disputes. The Lieutenant Bailiff, Charles Lemprière, sat as the Head of the Court. Meanwhile, a group of disgruntled individuals from Trinity, St Martin, St John, St Lawrence and St Saviour marched towards Town where their numbers were swelled by residents of St Helier. The group was met at the door of the Royal Court and was urged to disperse and send its demands in a more respectful manner. However, the crowd forced its way into the Court Room armed with clubs and sticks. Inside, they ordered that their demands be written down in the Court book. Although the King later commanded that the lines be removed from the book, a transcription survives that shows the crowd’s demands.

The demands of the Corn Riots protestors included:

• That the price of wheat be lowered and set at 20 sols per cabot.

• That foreigners be ejected from the Island.

• That his Majesty’s tithes be reduced to 20 sols per vergée.

• That the value of the liard coin be set to 4 per sol.

• That there should be a limit on the sales tax.

• That seigneurs stop enjoying the practice of champart (the right to every twelfth sheaf of corn or bundle of flax).

• That seigneurs end the right of ‘Jouir des Successions’(the right to enjoy anyone’s estate for a year and a day if they die without heirs).

• That branchage fines could no longer be imposed.

• That Rectors could no longer charge tithes except on apples.

• That charges against Captain Nicholas Fiott be dropped and that he be allowed to return to the Island without an inquiry.

• That the Customs’ House officers be ejected.

In the days following the riot there was relative peace in the Island. On Saturday the demands were published in the Public Market, and on Sunday they were proclaimed in the majority of the parishes. On Sunday evening, however, the Lieutenant Bailiff and the Jurats fled to Elizabeth Castle for safety. Perhaps there was a threat received, or they thought it would look good politically if they seemed to be in danger.

On 6 October, a meeting of the States of Jersey was held at the Castle when it was agreed that Charles Lemprière, together with two Jurats, and Philippe Lemprière, the Attorney General, would journey to London in order to present their difficulties to the Privy Council, representing the Crown.

At first, the Privy Council was outraged by their reports and commanded that the demands of the rioters be erased from the Court records. On 1 November, a Royal Pardon and a reward of £100 was offered to any rioters who named the ringleaders. After the full situation in the Island became clear, the protestors were eventually pardoned.

Protests in Jersey

People! Power! Protest!

In 1769, protestors forced their way into the Royal Court and demanded lower wheat prices and fairer government.

Black Lives Matter Protest

In 2020. many protested in Jersey for the prevention of police brutality and racism. This was after the death of George Floyd in America.

the jersey corn riots and PEOPLE! POWER! PROTEST!

The ‘People! Power! Protest!’ exhibition at Jersey museum explores the story of protest in Jersey, from the Corn Riots of 1769 to the Black Lives Matter movement of 2020. Jersey has a fascinating history of protest in the Island and the theme of the exhibition coincides with the 250th anniversary of the Code of Laws that was introduced in response to the Corn Riots.

Graffiti-style entrance wall to the exhibition by designer James Carter

The exhibition explores how the right to protest has shaped and influenced the Island that we know today, from historic protests, such as the Corn Riots, to more recent protests such as Extinction Rebellion and Black Lives Matter.

Among the items on display is the official 18th century court records showing the redacted demands of the Corn Riots protestors, and the petition signed by thousands of people to try and save Queen’s Valley from being flooded in the 1980s. There are also the banners and placards from other protests over the years and photographs of significant post-war campaigns and demonstrations.

Protestors trying to save Queen’s Valley from being flooded


In 1769, landowners were exporting wheat from Jersey to England, where a bad harvest had driven up the price.

Figurines made of straw depicting the Corn Riots

Frustrated with the resulting food shortages, rising prices, the unfair taxation system and Jersey’s power structure, around 500 hundred islanders stormed the Royal Court with 13 demands to alleviate their struggles on September 28th 1769.

Though there was no known loss of life, many came armed with sticks and clubs, and an usher was thrown over the court railing during the disturbance.

The event paved the way for major political reform on the island. In the reform, known as the Code of 1771, the Royal Court was stripped of its legislative powers, meaning that from 1771, only the States Assembly could create laws.


adobe lightroom editing

Contact Sheets

First i organized all my photos into folders; exterior, interior, portraits, objects, and animals. Then I rated the photos with stars for example one star would be a blurry photo with bad lighting and 5 stars would be a really high quality photo.

Editing Process

For this photo I focused on the texture as the previous photo was quite blurry and i wanted the focus to be on the vase. I turned up the saturation to show the colours on the vase better.
I made this photo darker to put more emphasis on the natural lighting coming from the window, but still kept focus on the woman in the photo.

Adobe lightroom development

Contact Sheets

Using Adobe Lightroom Classic, I uploaded my pictures into a folder named Hamptonne. From this I went through my images, selecting images I did / didn’t like. I used the keys P and X to select or ignore certain images.

An example of my contact sheets – Using selection tools
An example of editing – adjusting contrast, exposure, grain, whites and blacks.

The original image

A screenshot of my editing history.

Another edit of mine: using same tools as above as well as white balance and temperature

The original image

One of my black and white edits – I adjusted the whites and blacks, grain, exposure and shadow before adding a sepia toned black and white filter.

The original image – in the edit I have corrected the overexposure to the top left of the image.

Jersey Corn Riots

The Jersey Corn Riots are now a public holiday in order to celebrate our modern-day democracy that began due to the corn riots back in 1769. At the time, workers in Jersey mainly grew wheat and corn, often using wheat to make bread and sometimes using it as currency, some of which would get exported off island. However, the more that the crops were exported, the less food their would be for the islanders which also caused the prices of the crops to increase. This caused the poor to struggle as they could no longer afford to eat.

Corn Riots exhibition at the Jersey Museum

Angered by this, 500 islanders made the decision to storm the Royal Court on 28th September 1769 with 13 demands in order to alleviate their struggles. These demands included:

  • Lowering the price of wheat
  • Ejecting foreigners off the island
  • Sales tax should have a limit
  • The Customs’ House officers be ejected

No-one died throughout the riot although many went armed with clubs and sticks and an usher was thrown over the court railing at some point during the riot.

Overall, the riot was successful and led to Code 1771 where the Royal Court had their legislative powers removed meaning only the States assembly could create laws from 1771 onwards which helped Jersey get on the road to a fairer society.

People! Power! Protest! exhibition at the Jersey museum
People! Power! Protest! screen at the Jersey museum

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