During the visit to hamptonne farm, we took portrait photos of photographer Tom Kennedys wife. He spoke to us on how to only use a natural light source to take the photos, as it makes them look very effective
Example of photographer Tom Kennedys picture’s, using a natural light source
Using Lightroom I selected the best photos I took using the flagging system. The photos that I did not select were too dark in my opinion. I also edited certain photos to make them look more effective.
one of the best portraits taken, I believe this didn’t need editing.before and after of an edited portrait, the decrease in contrast made the light from the window look brighter and increased the effectiveness of the portrait.Before and after of another photo taken, I made it black and white as I believe it makes it look more effective
I like this photo because of soft natural light in the back, highlighting the dust made by the ped. all of this leads to the bright colours in the centre of the image.
For my environment portraits I chose to shoot a moped doing donut.
on this image I increased the highlights and lowered the shadows to bring out the colours in the green leaves and the person in the centre of the image. this photo i increased this photo the contrast and decreased the highlights to bring out the deep blues and ther purple sun rays. i liked the lit dust in the bottom of the image that bring your eye up the main image.this was the before for the image beforeThis image of the coast line of Gorey with a hiker to the side of the image.Gorey has a lot of heritage, to compliment this I put the image in black and white.
Evans showed interest in photography during a trip through Europe in the late 1920s.
His first photos were published in the 1930s.
He also helped to publish a book called “Let us now praise famous men” with the author James Agee.
Darren Harvey-Regan
Research –
Many of his photos were inspired by the work of Wallace Evans “Beauties of the common tool”.
He has taken part in many solo and joint exhibitions.
Comparison –
I think that this picture from Walker Evans photoshoot called “Beauties of the common tool” in 1955 is a good example of a still life object photo. This is due to the plain background which contrasts the tool as it is quite dark. This makes the finer details of the scissors stand out well which due to the highlights which also make them more defined from the way the lighting has fallen on it.
Therefore I think that this is a successful, modern comparison of Evans “Beauties of the common tool” by Harvey-Regan because they share the similarities of taking pictures of tools but this image is interpreted to look as if it is stabbing through a picture of itself on a wall. The dark contrast of the photo works well in highlighting the hammer and projecting the picture in a 3D way but it can make it harder to see due to the darker tones.
My Photos
Here are the different set ups which we used in the studio to create our photos –
Here are photos that I have taken of vintage objects in various ways and put into adobe Lightroom, selecting my favourites to present.
Here I edited some photos on Adobe Lightroom so that I could use them to create a piece of work which is similar to the work of Wallace Evans and Harvey-Reagans “Beauties of the common tool”.
On these 4 pictures, I didn’t edit them as I liked how they were. I only changed the filter into black and white, similar to the artists work.
An experiment of my work similar to theirs –
I really like how this has turned out as it is similar to both of the photographers work, yet shares a personal element of my editing style as none of them have the same black and white filter which adds a level of uniqueness and individuality to them as they look less uniform which I prefer.