All posts by Joshua L




What you want to explore?

I want to explore the skateboarding culture and community of the younger generations in jersey. I also want to explore how the skateboarding culture crosses over with sport, art, music, fashion and lifestyles.

Why it matters to you?

Ever since I was about 13 I have been very interested in skateboarding and the culture behind it, and have been skateboarding on and off myself, everything from the fashion, language, music and the overall energy the culture gives off. The community of skateboarding as well is very interesting to me and I wish to explore my interest in my personal study and further my own knowledge and understanding of the culture which has had such a huge impact and influence on the younger generations of jersey, as well as its impact on art, fashion and music.

How you wish to develop your project?

I will start by researching different photographers who have already documented the skateboarding culture and take inspiration from them, as well as researching grime itself to gain a deeper understanding of the culture. I will then take multiple photoshoots over the coming weeks to develop my ideas and come up with the best final images possible. I’ll then develop a photobook to present my work.



As this was my first project in photography, looking back I believe I could have done much better if I redid this project now. My editing and photography skills were not as advanced as they are now so if this project was redone I believe it would have come out a lot better with better ideas. As well as this my artist references were not very good. Overall I would give myself a 6/10 on this project.


As this was the final project of year 12, I spent much more time developing ideas in this project than I did in the identity project. By the end of year 12 my photography and editing skills were much more advanced so I was able to create better final outcomes, as well as this my artist references were much better than the identity projects. Overall I would give myself 8/10.

My Rock

This was my most recent photography project and even though it was just one photoshoot I was very happy with the final outcomes of this project as well as the photo zine that I developed. By this point my photography and editing skills were very advanced so I was able to create good final outcomes for this project, and the photo zine came out very nicely. Overall I would give myself 8/10

personal study analysis

those_who_dream_only_by_night cole_courval
Read the essay and comment on its overall written and interpretative quality as well as its use of critical, contextual and historical references, eg.

Does the essay address its hypothesis?

Essay addresses its hypothesis to its full extent. Refers back to the hypothesis throughout the work.

Does it provide new knowledge and understanding?

Book filled with knowledge and written in a way which creates new understanding very easily and well.

Is the essay well structured with a sense of an introduction, paragraphs and a conclusion?

The essay is very well structured with a long introduction before starting with writing about the artist mentioned in the hypothesis, before finishing with a conclusion which refers back to the hypothesis creating a good sense of knowledge and understanding.

Use and flow of language, prose, punctuation, spelling.

Very well written language and flow. Very well punctuated and spelt.

Use of specialist vocabulary relating to art and photography.

Very good vocabulary, a lot of specialist words relating to art and photography used throughout the essay.

Analysis of artist’s oeuvre (body of work) and key work(s).

Long and in depth analysis of artists work showcased in the essay.

Evidence of wider reading with reference to art history/ theory, political discourse and/or socio-economical context.

References to history and political discourse used within study.

Use of direct quotes, summary or commentary from others to make an informed and critical argument.

Quotes from artists used in study to create a good and critical argument.

Use of referencing system (eg. Harvard) and a bibliography.

No bibliography.

Use of illustrations with captions listing name of artist, title of work and year of production.

Illustrations included within writing with artist reference, title of work and year of production not included.


The Bailiwick of Jersey is a British Crown dependency, meaning that it is not part of the UK but is rather a self-governing possession of the British Crown. However, the UK Government is constitutionally responsible for its defence and international representation. There are three island territories within the British Isles that are known as Crown Dependencies, Bailiwicks of Jersey and Guernsey which make up The Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man. The Crown Dependencies are not part of the United Kingdom, but are self-governing possessions of the British Crown.

When did Jersey become self governing?

In 1204 King John lost the Battle of Rouen against the French King Philippe-Auguste. The defeat signalled the loss of continental Normandy, united with the English Crown since the invasion of England by William the Conqueror in 1066. The Channel Islands, part of the Duchy of Normandy for more than a hundred years at that point, might have been expected to align themselves with the French King in 1204, but there were persuaded to side with King John instead, leading to the Channel Islands becoming a Crown Dependency.

Battle Of Rouen | Summary | Britannica
Battle of Rouen, 1204

Among the privileges which the King granted Islanders was the right to be governed by their own laws and he instructed them to select their 12 best men as Jurats who, sitting with the Bailiff, became the Island’s Royal Court.  A warden, later to become governor, was appointed by the King to organise the defence of the Island.

Jerseys Constitution

Over a period of time, the Royal Court began to consult with the people through the Constables of the parishes. This consultation with the 3 estates of court and people was eventually formalised into what we now know as the States of Jersey. Significant constitutional changes in 1856 and 1948 saw the introduction of Deputies and Senators into the States and the removal of the Jurats and the rectors.  However, the 12 Jurats remain the lay members of the  Royal Court and are today chosen by an electoral college comprising members of the court and the States.

UK overseas territories fight back against financial transparency measures  - Tax Justice Network
Great Britain’s Territories

The Crown Dependencies have never been colonies of the UK. Nor are they Overseas Territories, like Gibraltar, which have a different relationship with the UK. The constitutional relationship of the Islands with the UK is maintained through the Crown and is not enshrined in a formal constitutional document. The difference between crown dependencies and overseas territories is that, British Crown Dependency means that you are self-governing but the British Crown maintains its possession of you. On the other hand, British Overseas Territory means that you are a British colony that continues to have a constitutional link with the United Kingdom.


Final Image Selection

I used images from the La Hocq trip to create my photo-zine as I wanted to keep a similar/the same theme throughout. I edited my images in Lightroom and then decided which images I wanted to use.

Zine Creation

I wanted to make the back and front cover the same image, I did this as I believe it looks very effective

I also wanted a double page black and white spread, I used this image as I believe it is a very powerful image and works very well

I really liked the idea of portraying the flight of seagulls aking off from the rocks, and I think it worked very effectively


Overall, I believe that my zine came out very well, I kept to the same theme throughout and I think my zine tells a good story. To improve I would take multiple photoshoots instead of just one, this would give me more photos to edit and work with to come out with a better outcome. I named the title La hocq, I did this as this is the location for all the images included in the photo zine and I believe it is a very fitting name.


How are archives a repository of knowledge?

Physical archives aren’t as popular in recent times compared to previous years due to the creation of technology such as phones and computers. This recent technology makes taking photographs accessible and easy for all users. Due to this, photos have become less special and significant nowadays compared to when this technology was not yet created or as accessible, and photographs were seen as very special, important and even expensive to take or own. The Société Jersiaise was founded in 1873 for the study of Jersey archaeology, history, natural history and the ancient language of Jèrriais. The Lord Coutanche Library supports the work of the Société Jersiaise by collecting and preserving material relating to Jersey’s history. Their photo archive contains over 120,000 images ranging from the 1840s to recent day. In recent years, the Societe group has led out an excavation of human and mammoth remains at La Cotte De St Brelade which has helped the population of jersey understand and learn about the heritage of this island and the geographical history. As stated on their website, the Societe main objective is to produce and facilitate research on the Island’s history, culture, language and environment; and to share that knowledge with the widest possible audience for the benefit of our island community. This benefits the islands heritage as it holds old documents of a nearly extinct language of Jerrias, meaning this history will not be forgotten. The Societe offer memberships to the community from £12. By applying for the membership you get permission of access to all heritage sites, regular newsletters, and a 10% discount on books. A large and engaged membership has been crucial to the considerable successes of the Société Jersiaise over many years. Membership is open to all and by joining, it means you would be supporting many activities with your subscription. The archive holds images and documents from historic Jersey photographers. Early photographers such as William Collie, Charles Hugo, Thomas Sutton and Henry Mullins. The archive also holds evidence from the 20th century such as, very valuable images from a rich point of history in Jersey, World War 2.

Photo zines research

What is a photo zine

A zine is most commonly a small-circulation of self-published work. It could be about many different topics: photography, illustration, design, etc…Usually zines are the product of a small group or individual people, and the primary intent is exposure rather than profit. Zines are usually created to look like magazines. A photo zine, for example, is a tool that photographers can use to tell a visual story, to inform an audience about a specific topic or issue, to showcase and advertise a new idea or simply create a preview of an ongoing project. Zines were originally called fanzines, alluding to the fans who made them. Later on, Fanzine was just shortened to zine.

History of photo zines

Zines were first created in the science fiction fandoms of the 1930s, long before the advent of the Internet, zines allowed fans to create networks, share ideas and analyses, and collaborate on writing and artwork. The punk music scene of the 1980s expanded upon the self-published format by creating a wide of array of constantly evolving zines dedicated to the musical genre that were both fanzines and political tracts. Punk zines were more than just magazines, they represented the aesthetic and ideals of an entire subculture.

Examples of photo zines

When creating a photo zine there are certain aspects that you must think about: How you want your design to look and feel, Format, size and orientation, Narrative and visual concept, Design and layout, Rhythm and sequencing, Images and text and Title and captions. These are the aspects that I will focus on while creating my photo zine, I have also taken a lot of inspiration from the examples shown above to create my zine.


Overall from the Le Hocq photo shoot I took a total of 266 photos which I am very happy with. Using the flagging system on Lightroom I took my 266 photos down to 96 of my best quality and favourite photos that I took from the trip to Le Hocq.

Best unedited images

These images were my favourite images that I believed did not need any editing as they were already good images.

Best image edits

These images are my favourite images which I edited in Lightroom, these also contain black and white images, I changed multiple presences including texture, as well as exposure and contrast to make these images better looking.