
these are the first two pages in my zeen i placed two full bleeds on the same side juxtaposed to smaller image.

I re arranged it to be alternating sides which will be a full bleed. the other small images are not the same size either. I liked the large white border on the bottom left image.

I liked the 4 edited images juxtaposed next to each other so I made another full page 4 juxtaposition to link the beginning of the zeen to the middle. after this page i placed.

neither of these images are a full bleed I chose to have a large amount of this page to be white which juxtaposes the images because there is a lot of colour. i chose not to have a full bleed on this page becasue there next page is.

A full page spread of a landscape image, I chose to make this a full page spread because I wanted to fit as much of the image as possible

these pages follow the pattern of alternating full bleeds and every other page is a full page spread

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