Green Island Photoshoot

—- Plan for the Photoshoot —-

We ended up going on a photography field trip down to Green Island to capture the many different types of rock formations that would be present along the coastline.

We split up into two groups and I was placed among the group that would venture along to Green Island. We started at the car park where La Hocq is and began to walk along the beach towards where Green Island was. During the walk, we were advised to capture images of the many different types of rocks that were spread out among the beach and also running just along the sides of it. There were many photo opportunities for us as the beach was completely covered in many different types of geological interests.

Contact sheets

—- Flagged and rejected —-

—- Colour coded and star rated —-

Green – Images I’m going to use:

Yellow – Images I might be using:

Red – Images I won’t be using:

—- Final outcomes from the shoot —-

I ended up taking a vast amount of good images that I would like to continue editing until they are to my liking. The rock formations along Green Island were incredibly interesting to look at as every single piece was completely different from one another. Every rock was different and unique with its own textures and structures.

These singular rock images I believe were strong together as they both display one rock, taken at a portrait viewpoint, and make that the sole focal point of the piece. The large rock stands out from the many small and extra ones around it which makes it seem like a more intimidating structure compared to what lies around it.

I enjoy how these images look together as they all share a similar colour scheme and pattern on them. They are of the same rock but taken at different angles and perspectives just to make it seem like they’re completely separate rocks.

I quite liked how these two photos together as they create quite a nice colour contrast. The image on the left, containing mustard yellows and green pigments, has a few more bright colours than the image on the right does, that image containing a lot of grey and brown tints of colour.

Series of other final outcome

These photographs I believed were also quite strong so I decided to put this as well among my successful outcomes during the photoshoot.

Image analysis and Critique

What I liked about the photograph: I was particularly happy with this photograph that I took as it gave off the importance of Jersey’s geology by focusing on a singular version of the many rocks the island has to offer. Photographing the rock on its own, gives off a better sense of uniqueness because this is the main focal point and is central to the photograph.

What I would do different next time: Next time I would possibly take a few more close ups of the rock just to display its textures a bit more, maybe even getting closer to the rock and photographing it fully central would have been a good idea as well. The rock is central, but there seems to be other rocks in front of it which may diminish the true importance of the larger rock.

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