Portelet Photoshoot: Contact sheets

For my first photoshoot, I started at Le Quaisne and walked up to La Cotte before making my way through Portelet, ending my photoshoot at Potelet beach. I started my shoot in the afternoon in order to try avoid any harsh natural lighting that the sun could create in the morning/midday and to attempt to take some photos when it got darker. I decided to do a photoshoot there as I knew it had a lot of rocky areas that I could get close to, allowing me to take a mixture of distant and close-up images instead of relying solely on zooming in to get detailed photos.

Map of where I went
Sign at Portelet

Contact Sheets:

When taking my photos, I tried to thoroughly take multiple images of each rock from various angles, heights and distances to capture as many details and perspectives as possible. I had to keep checking my photos and camera settings throughout the photoshoot as the sun would occasionally overexpose my images/create light leaks due to me moving around and taking images facing both towards and away from the sun.

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