For my first photoshoot for my new topic ‘Islandness’ we went to the parish of St Ouen and walked around L’Etacq taking photos of interesting rock formations. We walked around the cliff paths trying to capture any rocks that seemed unique to take back to class and edit. Also, I took a lot of images of the same rock formations to try attempt to create David Hockney’s ‘Joiners’. Overall, I managed to take around 300 images when on the St Ouen photography trip.

Contact sheets

the first thing I did with this photoshoot is upload the images into Lightroom into a new collection called MY ROCK. I then used the flagging system to select the best images out of the 309 from the shoot, this left me with 60 images as a lot of the images came out blurry or were just not very good.

flagged photos in photoshoot
flagged photos in photoshoot

I then used the star rating system to select the best images out of the flagged images to use for editing and for my final images. After using the rating system I was left with 21 final images I could use for editing and selecting as my final outcomes.

final images

Lightroom edits

I decided to create most of the edits in black and white, this is because I think it looks a lot more effective and dramatic compared to the coloured images of the rocks and landscape.

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