my rock- shoot #1 l’etacq

My first shoot was conducted at areas surrounding L’ Etacq, Le Pinacle and Stinky Bay, We walked around the headland but focused on taking photos of rocks- whether close up or far away.

First I separated my images by colour- red meaning I am least likely to use them while yellow meaning I believe they have potential.

I edited all my images the same way, turning them to black and white then syncing the settings, I then went through each image individually and edited it so it suited the light etc. I also did some spot removal in some of the images as some of them had people in them (spot removal seen below)

While going through and individually editing each image, I did another sub-selection, changing images I believe are my best to green.

After this I then did a further sub-selection as I had ended up with 64 images I liked, this final sub selection lead me on to my best images.


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