IDEA #3 – photoshop editing

For my third and final main image I decided to head over to photoshop and test out some features such as, invert, find edges, pixelate and vibrance. This idea doesn’t have any inspiration from any artist.

Original image for idea #3

To begin, I tested out features to try and make the house stand out more in the image. Firstly I changed the whole photo to the colour scheme of black and white because it is much more effective on this type of image.

Next, I picked out 4 filters/ features and had to decide which one I am going to work with:

Colour effect

After trying to decide which one I preferred the most I ended up choosing the colour effect. I chose this because it makes the image a lot more interesting and eye-appealing with a different style of editing. I do really like the colour effect because it creates an unnatural feeling towards viewers.

I also tested out other filters such as ripple but I don’t think it was effective as the colour effect. Ripple experiment:

Ripple effect

I decided to try and mix 3 effects together and experiment whether it would look more intriguing. I also, tried to mix just two of the effects together to see the outcome. Here’s how they turned out:

Twirl, find edges and invert

After making a hard decision I chose to pick the image with only the colour effect with black and white because it looks very clean and basic but stands out very well.

Final outcome:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is IMG_9001-copy-2-1024x768.jpg


Overall, I am very happy with the way this image turned out because I feel this is a very good response towards the topic of Anthropocene. The colour in the image presents a man made structure however the black and white presents how nature has been damaged from human life.

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